Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Exercise # 21 - MySpace and Facebook

Bebo - Rotorua public bebo site was fantastic for younger patrons. This is a good way to introduce them to the wonders of the library world in a 'cool' way!

MySpace - I was amazed at the array of videos, tv series, news, music etc that was available as well as the very 'personal' stuff posted for the entire world to view.Not being very interested in anything on offer (statue mishap in church was very funny)and I tried to put in my own search item but nothing came up. is this only a passive site to view?

Facebook - Yes, I reluctantly gave in and joined Facebook.I am horrified at all the 'friends' I have accumulated via other friends.Perhaps in time I will become less of a ninny regarding my and others personal stuff but in the meantime am treading warily.It was quite exciting seeing Northshore Library staff there but only 5? Where are the others? and, Ramona, where is the "virtual pillow fight" facility please? That would come in handy!

I do have a friend who enjoys using Facebook to keep track of her childrens activities and their friends.

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