Wednesday, August 20, 2008

exercise # 9 again!

I went into Technorati's "blog posts", "tags" and "blog directory" to search for "learning 2.0" as directed and yes, the numbers were totally different and continually rising. When I saw the words 'screencasts, skypecasts, podcasts, meta description etc I started to panic. I'm obviously not doing this correctly but I didn't think much of the first two and felt I was getting "blogged down" hahahahahaha.

However, I did enjoy the layout of the 'Blog directory'. This allows one to browse through the different topics in categories, for eg Entertainment, Lifestyle, Sports, Business, Technology etc.

I did enjoy Technorati's Popular feature showing little videos of world news as it happens! This actual footage seems much more real to me than merely reading about it in the newspaper.

To brighten up my entire day was a notice that kept coming up while I was toiling away which said" we are experiencing some search instability while we restore service - please bare with us"

I am still laughing.......even though I had lost 3 hours work because I had clicked on Publish and it wouldnt accept the curser as I didnt realise that one had to forcibly CLICK onto the wretched thing to get it to work - another valuable lesson learned!


S. Toogod Tobetrue said...

I think "blogged down" is the best one yet!

cybersissy said...

Thank you /fish, and I do appreciate the answer to my previous question about blogger vs bloglines - makes much more sense now.

I'm even more excited that someone actually reads my blog- bless you!

Did i mention that i really like the slash before the fish? its a bit like that wet purple person formerly known as prince who then became ! or something and i cant remember what symbol he is now- must google it!
